Saturday, February 14, 2009

What happened to Porsha Fox???

What happened to Porsha Fox again? She's not on the air and V103 has started removing her name from most of their website. Did she get fired or did she quit? We know she was fired in 2004 when she was busted for driving with no license and DUI with pot possession. But she was rehired in 2007, did she get fired again????? And, what's up with Porsha and fires? Her house burned down right after she was fired in 2004 and recently we heard she was allegedly involved in another fire at her boyfriend's mothers house. (does her boyfriend live with his mother). Yikes!


  1. Hey this is not even funny... Porsha was supposed to be for the family and promote positive things for the community. I think it is a shame. What's up with the fires? I think it's fair to say that someone needs to follow Porsha during her night strolls... so we can find out if she is telling the truth about these accidental fires! If she's on drugs, she can't be trusted! Isn't she too old to have a boyfriend that still stays with his mother!!!! Wow! I'll pray for the woman...

  2. rocnmusic you low life lazy bum.....if you opened your closet im sure that we can find alot of dirt inside, ontop, and around it.... your a sorry sob and people like you need to visit me.... in a ring, a cage, or on the streets... nobody know's whats going this woman's life.. i pray that you have your things inorder..... i would love to give you a three piece combination....your a born hater

  3. That's what happens when you put these "celebrities" on a pedestal because when they fall, you find out that they're people with issues and problems just like everybody else, they just have the $$$ to cover it up longer than anybody else; its the same for all of them no matter what color they are.,
